30 year old female looking to help

Private person - Advertiser: Meljmyers

80134 Denver
United States
31 years - Single
American None
Non-Smoker | No Driver's license | No Allergies
BA Anthropology | Airline cargo

Needs and Preferences:
Denver area
United States
No special wishes
towards the landlord
Requirements on Tenancy:
2022 Sep 1 300 $
Any hours offered
What I can offer:
  1. Household chores, Pets
  2. Bearing company (companionship, errands)
  3. Small repairs, gardening
  4. Child care and private lessons
Clean and organized
Looking to help the resident in exchange for very reasonable rent. I am kind, clean and attentive. I do have a golden retriever and love other animals. Experience in geriatrics
Item No. 681 - Report entry